Creole Cream Cheese
Yields: 3 cups
  • 1 gallon skim milk, room temperature (70° to 80°)
  • ½ cup low-fat buttermilk
  • ½ teaspoon liquid rennet
  1. In a large nonreactive bowl, combine milk, buttermilk, and 
rennet, and stir constantly for 
1 minute. Cover with plastic wrap or cheesecloth, and let stand undisturbed at room temperature (70° to 80°) for 16 to 24 hours. 
The longer the mixture sits, the 
firmer the cheese will be.
  2. Line a large colander with cheesecloth, and place in a large bowl. Ladle curds into lined colander. Refrigerate at least 6 to 8 hours. Cheese will become firmer as more liquid drains. Creole cream cheese will keep, refrigerated, up to 2 weeks.
Recipe by Louisiana Cookin' at